About This Site

About This Site — and Those Who Have Made it Possible

This redesigned website (August 2017) is an update of one that has existed for over twenty years now and was no longer capable of dealing with the modern demands of web design. But even the website first instituted in 1996 was a much later improvement on work that been underway by then for over thirty years.

The genealogical research on which this site is based was originally carried out by Jean (Morry) Funkhouser (latterly of Parawan, Utah). Aunt Jean passed on some years ago, but it was largely through her efforts, and those of “Dad” Morry (Howard Leopold Morry), beginning in the early 1960s that we know as much as we do about our family lineage.

The number of individuals recorded in the family tree file has now increased to nearly 21,000. This has been a real team effort. Since 1996 when I began my involvement with the Morry family history, over 100 other relatives, near and far, in both distance and relationship, and other helpful visitors, have contributed bits of facts and corrected errors we originally made on these pages. To them we are most grateful. Notable amongst these contributors were my late cousin, Jamie Morry, my cousin and active research partner, Karen [Funkhouser] Chapman, and my brother and sister, Glen and Lanny Morry.

However, there are two people whose persistent support to this effort deserves special mention and praise. They are: Enid O’Brien and Kevin Reddigan:

Cyril and Enid O’Brien
With Granddaughter Lily, 2012

Kevin Reddigan at the Old Morry Premises
Athlone, Caplin Bay (Calvert), 2001


There is one other person who deserves special mention as the unbelievably energetic leader of the world’s Morey/Morry/Moray/etc. researchers and that of course is Geoffrey Williams. Sadly, Geoffrey passed away in 2014. No one has replaced him as the worldwide leader of Morey researchers. Perhaps no one can.

Geoffrey Lloyyd Williams

Finally, I and my sister Lanny and brother Glen, who have been partners in this effort from the beginning, owe a special debt to our parents, Thomas Graham Morry V and Evelyn Wheeler Morry, who instilled in all their children a sense of family and a pride of place in our homeland, Newfoundland!

Find Us

1017 Ada Barrington Pvt.
Greely, ON, K4P 0A7

Site Information

You are visiting the website of the Morry family of Newfoundland, ex Devon

Our Purpose

We hope that this site will serve as a link and a gathering place for the scattered remnants of the Morry Family, whose ancestor, Matthew Morry, came from Stoke Gabriel via Dartmouth Devon, England, to Newfoundland to make a living in the fishing trade some time before Sept. 1784. At that time we know he was granted land for a fishing room in Caplin Bay (now Calvert) near Ferryland, a tiny fishing village on Newfoundland’s Southern Shore that we, his descendants, think of as our family seat.

All information on this website is © Christopher Morry 2003-2025

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